Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Evin's New Activities

Evin is growing and doing more everyday! She now crawls around everywhere and enjoys getting into everything including the cat food. Now that the weather is warming up, she loves going on walks in her stroller or wagon......

Her other new favorite activity is going to the park. The swings are her favorite and she actually throws a little fit when we take her out! Naughty baby!

This is an old picture from Christmas that I did not include in my previous posting. It was taken by my sister-in-law, Jen, and it is just so cute that I had to include it!

Evin's other new trick is to pull up on things to her knees. She has not gotten to her feet yet-but it is coming soon.

She enjoyed dressing up on Valentine's Day. She had a party at her baby sitter's house and got all kinds of toys and Valentines. She is a spoiled girl!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Holidays

We had a great holiday season! We spent Thanksgiving in Albuquerque with my parents and Tim's mother and step-father flew in as well. Evin was very spoiled and had a great time. Here she is enjoying a relaxing bath in the sink.

She had a great time playing and reading with her Grandmom!

Here she is sitting on Santa's lap. She was a good little girl and got everything she asked for this year. Which was wrapping paper I think, since this seemed to be her favorite "gift".

Here she is with her boyfriends Carmelo and Jacob before Christmas.

We spent Christmas in Midland with Tim's father and step-mother. Here is Evin and Mimi on Christmas Day.

We also got to see our friends Erin, Barry, Leslie and Calla in Midland. Here is Evin and Calla with her " mean mug".

Evin got a wagon from Santa and really enjoyed going for a ride!

Here is the whole Trentham family on Christmas, including Greta. It was a great time!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Halloween and other fun

Evin had a fun time on Halloween. She went to a carnival at Julie's school and had fun watching all of the kids while her daddy painted faces. Here are a couple pics of her in her costume in the backyard.

She also had another outfit that Grammie bought so we had to take pictures with that one too. Here is the tiger hunting in the grass..

Here is a picture of us with our Halloween onsie, on the Halloween blanket, with our Halloween toy. She is really getting better at sitting up on her own!

We recently got a high chair from Grandmother and Grandfather and we really love sitting in it to eat and just to play.

Here is just a random picture of Evin hanging out in the backyard. She is getting better at the whole picture thing. She also had her first two teeth come in! She is getting big so fast!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Evin's New Experiences

Evin is getting so big and has been experiencing some new and exciting things. She enjoys riding around in the front carrier and helping mommy clean and cook. Yes...mommy has been cooking. Here she is helping do the dishes.

She has also started eating baby food. Her is her first food-bananas. She actually does like them despite the disappointed look on her face. She also enjoys carrots, peas, applesauce and squash. She is not such a fan of green beans.

Evin has also been lucky enough to borrow a new toy from her friend Melo. She enjoys sitting up and watching everyone around her. She does get mad if you put her in it and leave the room though.

Here is her new trick..sitting on daddy's shoulders. She really likes this. She also likes being thrown in the air and being tickled on her back and thighs.

Stay tuned for some Halloween pics of her in her costume!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Evin's first food

Evin is getting bigger and more fun everyday. At her fourth month doctor appointment last week she was 16 pounds and 26 inches. She is in the 97th percentile for both height and weight! The big baby is now enjoying time on her tummy more and is rolling front to back and trying to get her knees up under her belly to scoot. She is enjoying bath time more and more now that she can splash around!

The doctor also said at her last appointment that she can start having rice cereal, which she loves. She eats it like a pro.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Big Girl

Evin is getting to be a big girl now and is so cute. Here is a picture of her doing tummy time which she hates most of the time, but we make her do anyway!

She also is starting to hold some of her toys and enjoys playing with them. Here she is playing with a new toy, a prarie dog from Grandmom and Grandad.

Evin is such a couch potato just like her father. We walked into the living room one day and here she was just hanging out. Silly baby.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Visit to Midland

This past weekend we took a trip to Midland to visit friends and family. It was alot of fun! Evin is doing better in the car rides, although she does get a little cranky near the end of the trip. We are doing better taking pictures but sometimes we get scared of the camera...

We really enjoyed spending time with family including Grandmother and Grandfather...
Evin was really excited to meet Mimi...

And her Uncle Chris....

We also got to spend time with our friends Erin, Barry, Leslie, and Calla. Evin and Calla are good friends already. Here are a couple pictures of them holding hands. Evin showed her love for Calla by pooping every time that we were at her house!

Evin also enjoyed meeting Leslie and Erin who is her Godmother.

After a long trip Evin was excited to get home and play with her kitty!